Welcome to my blog...

...that started through a request to record some of our work; will anyone actually look?

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Snowy rescue

The team were filmed again, we think by the same person in my previous post, on a recent call-out.

its snowy and its saltburn


Monday, December 13, 2010

Someone is watching you...

Last week we used ropes, man power and even crampons to help evacuate a woman from Saltburn Woods. Hard packed snow and ice made even standing up straight a challenge! A Team Member found this video on You Tube showing a rescue from earlier this year from a similar location. Good team work and multi agency working on both call-outs.

The recent rescue was filmed by the Police, from their helicopter.

We don't know who posted this You Tube clip.

Or why.

Questions, questions:

Did anyone ask me if I was happy to be filmed, and the footage shown?

What about the casualty, their relatives, their friends?

What happens in a school when a camera is used? Do children know to ask permission before they film? How do they decide here to post a film, who do they share an image with?

I tell my Governors if I leave work to attend a call-out. What if I forgot, and the first they knew about it was this?

What if the first time I saw my bald spot was on You Tube without warning!